Explore Our Finance Recovery Services

If you have suffered losses whilst trading or investing, then our range of finance recovery services can help you to recover any lost funds and monies. Contact Global Securities today and our team of specialist funds recovery experts are available to help and are on hand to advise which of our finance recovery services would be best suited to your case.

Learn More About Our Finance Recovery Services 

Cryptocurrency Trading Losses

Hundreds of thousands of people currently trade using digital currencies. As the technology and processes used to trade crypto are complicated and complex, unfortunately, this means a lot of traders fall victim to a crypto scam. If you believe you may have been the victim of a crypto scam, contact us today to find out more about our crypto finance recovery services.

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Tracing Services

Over the last few years, more and more people have made personal investments, looking to protect themselves and their future. Whilst there are many benefits to these investments, there also comes some risk.

With this rise in investments, there has also been a rise in investment scams, particularly in cryptocurrency and digital investments. As part of our finance recovery services, we can trace the history of your investments and look to recover your lost money. Find out more here.

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Regulated Broker Recovery

Global Securities are leading the way with our finance recovery services when it comes to money lost through regulated brokers. No matter if you’ve traded with brokers overseas, our regulated broker recovery services can help you to recover money you may have lost when making trades and investments. You can find out more about our regulated broker recovery services here.

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Landlord Services

Our team of landlord specialists can help advise you in terms of property management remit and debt recovery. We have a range of finance recovery funds recovery experts tailored toward landlords and we provide first-class legal and support services to our clients in this sector. You can find out more about our landlord finance recovery services here.

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Residential Rent Arrears

Rent arrears can be claimed at the same time as an order for possession under a standard possession procedure, but not under an accelerated possession procedure. Our finance recovery services can help landlords with residential rent arrears and our team can assist you with the best route to take for your case. Learn more about our residential rent arrears services here.

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There are many reasons why, as a private landlord, you may need your property back, whether it’s due to outstanding rent or nuisance tenants. Tenants have a right of occupation and, as such, you will need an experienced lawyer on your side to help recover your property. Evictions come under our finance recovery services and you can learn more about our process here.

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For more information on our finance recovery services, or to arrange a free consultation with our team of legal experts, contact Global Securities today.

Contact us now on +1 (347) 201-8691 or complete the form below to arrange a FREE consultation

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